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283 Days and Counting...

Hey and welcome to my new blog.

You might remember me from such failed attempts at blogging such as "Ink Your Map" and "Witch Ways Now?". This is a whole new blog attempt for me and I am kind excited by it...this blog brings proper adventure.

So next year, on the 31st January I turn 30. That's right, 30. I will be leaving my 20's long behind me.

When I was young, 30 was impossibly old. It was the age of parents, the age of wise people who knew things. People who knew what they were doing with their lives and where they were going.

So I sit here, at 29, knowing none of these things. But it's cool, I don't actually need to know these things...right?

Anyway, that's some other thoughts for another day.

The main reason I set up this blog was to follow with a thought that I had. I was contemplating a couple of things I'd like to do next year, just generally, with no special significance. Then I thought of some special things I'd like to do for my 30th.

Then I thought a bit more...and thinking is usually what gets me into trouble.

I thought I would like to do lots of things for my 30th year...say...30 of them.

And so I shall. I am going to create a list of 30 things I am going to do in my 30th year (the blog title might have been a give away). I've only decided this today so my list so far consists of a whopping three things. They are:

1. Go and watch the London Marathon (Yeah I feel this should be run it...but no.)
2. Get a tattoo (I've been thinking about this for years and I think I know what I want for my first one :) )
3. Go to Glastonbury, on my own, for a weekends spiritual retreat. Take in the Goddess Temple, the Tor and Wells all on my tod. Just take time to relax, to connect, to be.

And that's it. Although my husband wants me to throw myself out of an airplane...we'll see.

I will, of course, update with my list regularly, and blog on my musings of the journey to becoming 30. I am going to be frank, probably gross, and all sorts. I want to be totally honest in this blog!

best get thinking of the other 27 things to do...
